Membership Grades
You don’t need to have any housing qualifications to become a member, just a commitment to the profession
and a passion for advancing your own skills. CIH Canada would love to welcome you into the ever-growing family
of industry professionals. We offer a range of membership levels to match your needs, experience and professional
housing designation.

All CIH Canada members will start with the standard type of membership. While there are no formal entry requirements, you will be asked to indicate your commitment to the CIH codes of conduct and ethics, and to your own development as a professional.
Once you have registered for standard membership you will be able to register for one of our qualifications (learning program) and take the next step towards achieving a higher designation.
Cost: $225/year
Membership for individuals who have successfully completed the CIH Level 3 are eligible for Certified Practitioner Membership.
Cost: $300/year

Membership for individuals who have successfully completed the CIH Level 5 are eligible for Chartered Membership.
Cost: $495/year
To become a member, complete an application form and return it to CIH Canada. You will be invoiced for membership fees upon receipt of your application. Membership fees can be paid 1) online with credit card, 2) by mailing a cheque, 3) by arranging for electronic funds transfer, or 4) e-transfer.
Renewing your membership is simple and quick. Email and indicate your intention to renew. You will be invoiced directly for your annual membership fee.