Our partnerships with regional housing organizations are helping us build a national network for housing professionals.

The Alberta Public Housing Administrators’ Association (APHAA)
Is a professional association of Housing Administrators working in the Province of Alberta in the publicly-funded housing industry.
APHAA is a Society incorporated under the Societies Act of Alberta. Membership includes Chief Administrative Officers for Management Bodies as defined in the Alberta Housing Act and the regulations thereto, as well as other senior administrators of publicly funded Housing Agencies.
The BC Non-Profit Housing Association (BCNPHA)
Provides leadership and support to members in creating and supporting a high standard of affordable housing throughout British Columbia. BCNPHA members are primarily non-profit housing providers.
Other members include individuals and organizations who care about affordable housing.

Manitoba Housing
Rents affordable and suitable housing to Manitobans in need. Manitoba Housing administers and manages approximately 13,100 rental housing residences across the province and strives to provide quality housing at an affordable rent to individuals, seniors, and families. Manitoba Housing does not provide emergency housing.