Getting to Know…Greg Dewling

Getting to Know…Board Memeber, Greg Dewling

Getting to Know…Board Member, Greg Dewling 

Greg Dewling, CEO of Capital Region Housing in Alberta, joined our board of directors in early 2016. We took the opportunity to talk with him about his experience and what he thinks the future will bring to the housing profession.



Greg Dewling, CIH Canada Board Member

What made you decide to get involved with CIH Canada?

I first became interested because of the educational opportunities. Since then, I’ve been introduced to a growing network of Canadian and international housing professionals. CIH Canada is establishing professional standards and offering young professionals and seasoned veterans a means to achieve recognized designations.

What are the main changes you foresee for the housing profession?

We’re moving from the model of a General Manager who has spent most of their career in housing and toward new professionals with diverse education and experience.  We’re mixing entrepreneurial business practice with the traditional custodial role of housing agencies. This means we need to acquire new and different skills while still maintaining core knowledge of housing principles.

How do you think CIH Canada best supports housing professionals and the sector?

The education offerings are second to none.  Our managers, some of whom have advanced degrees and property management designations, say the standard of the courses are at a university level. The networking opportunities, education and events enable sharing of best practices and experience. CIH Canada connects members to an international community of housing professionals – the learning opportunities are endless.

I also believe we have a generational opportunity with the emerging political leadership to create a future where every Canadian has a place to call home!

What might our members be surprised to know about you?  

I was a pastor for 17 years in Newfoundland before moving to Alberta in 2008 to begin a career in housing.